Updated curriculum is the basis of global changes of secondary education in Kazakhstan

Г.С.Журсумбаева, Елекенова М.Н.


учителя средней общеобразовательной школы №4

 г.Семей ВКО

«The key priority of educational programms should be the  development of the skills

 which allow students to constantly adapt  to changes and assimilate new knowledge»

              address by the President  N.A.Nazarbayev            dated by January 10, 2018

«New Opportunities under the Fourth Industrial Revolution»


Аннотация. Мақалада жаңартылған білім мазмұнының өзектілігі, пайдалану аспектісі, тиімділігі мен нәтижелігі туралы баяндалған. Қазіргі таңдағы мұғалімдердің басшылыққа алатын жұмыстары, тиімді белсенді оқу түрлері, критериалды бағалау жүйесі мен ХХІ ғасыр дағдылары жайлы айтылған.

Аннотация. В статье изложены актуальность, аспекты использования, эффективность и результативность обновленного содержания образования. Также работа учителей, эффективные активные формы обучения, система критериального оценивания и навыках ХХІ века.

Abstract. The article describes the relevance, aspects of the use, efficiency and effectiveness of the updated content of education. Also, the work of teachers, effective active forms of training,  the system of criteria assessment and skills of the XXI century

The modern world is changing very fast day by day. Technology is developing so rapidly. New machines and gadgets which were considered to be the most modern ones a year before become out-of-date today. And skills which made you successful yesterday might not help you to cope with the problems you are faced today. So, one should be able to adapt to any changes, to gain skills which can be useful to overcome difficulties and achieve goals.

And what can schools of our country teach their students to use their knowledge effectively in real life? Do our graduates have enough skills to be competitive in the modern world of globalization and modernization?  The results of PISA, TIMSS and PIRLS  conducted by OECD and IEA showed that our students are not so bad at memorizing and recalling, but, unfortunately, they are not so good at applying gained knowledge in different situations of real life i.e., they are lack of twenty-first century skills (created by OECD) such as critical thinking, ability to creatively apply knowledge, ability to solve problems, research skills, communication skills (including language skills), ability to work in groups and individually, ICT skills.

President Nursultan Nazarbayev in his Address to the Nation «Socio-economic modernization is the main vector of Kazakhstan’s development» today the Nazarbayev University and intellectual schools are successfully working on the basis of international standards. It is necessary to extend our experience to the entire Kazakhstani education system and to involve all educational institutions in their level». [1] And Nazarbayev Intellectual schools have changed their educational program to include the best international practices and incorporate them into the learning process. The program is aimed at the development of Kazakh, Russian and English languages, as well as support for teachers and students in Kazakhstan.

An  improved  educational  program requires  the  concept  of  «lifelong learning» from the  concept  of «lifelong learning»; obedience to initiative; transition from knowledge to competence. It aims to turn learning objectives into learning outcomes based on values, forming many skills. In this regard, the priorities for updating the curriculum are: the success of the idea that students need skills, because knowledge is necessary for success. This requires students to memorize information and understand, understand and apply knowledge in various fields. This use of knowledge allows students to acquire a wider range of competences, often called «The Skills of the 21st Century». There are several definitions of the term «21st century skills». Within the framework of the curriculum, the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) uses the structure created within the framework of the project of identification and selection of competencies.[2] Here competence is more than just knowledge and skills. It includes the psychological resources of certain contexts and, therefore, includes the ability to solve complex problems. For example, the ability to communicate effectively is the ability of a person to communicate, acquire practical skills in the field of information technology and build relationships with others».

That is why he defined the values and skills of students in the updated general education programs. The values, skills and competencies of the subject are considered. The curriculum for the discipline includes the level of knowledge, skills and competencies in the subject, taking into account the proposed values and  skills. That is, these values and skills are defined in the curriculum that teaches the subject, the subject curriculum is the basis of the standard curriculum.

President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N.Nazarbayev At the initiative of Nazarbayev «National plan – 100 steps: a modern state for all». Within the framework of the implementation of the National Plan, five steps are planned in the field of education aimed at improving the quality of human capital based on OECD standards. Three of them are connected with the system of general secondary education:

Step 76. Update the school education standards for the phased implementation of 12-year education, the development of functional literacy. Implementing coercive financing in high school, creating a system of incentives for successful schools.

Step 79. In the education system – a phased transition to teaching in high school and university English.

Step 89. Development and implementation of the national project «Nurly Bolashak». The introduction of the values of «Mangilik El» into existing curricula of school education [3].

The content of the education was developed with the updated state standard of primary, basic and general secondary education, the development of curricula focused on the values of Mangilik El. In the spirit of the national idea «Mangilik El» all the work of school teachers should be aimed at forming a person with knowledgeable, advanced leadership skills, able to make decisions in a choice, capable of cooperation and intercultural interaction, responsible for the fate of their people.

The question of education systems for future generations is being considered worldwide. In this context, key issues such as «What should children learn to be successful in the 21st century?» And «What are the effective methods of teaching?» These issues are closely related to the educational programs and pedagogical approaches used to implement the educational program. Students also have the opportunity to develop cultural, emotional, intellectual, social and spiritual development through education. Training allows students to acquire new knowledge, as well as develop their knowledge.

The implementation of the programme imposes a great responsibility to teachers. Unfortunately, some of our colleagues happen to think, for active learning it is enough to give tasks for students to do in pairs, in groups or individually and watch them working. But during the courses we were taught not to step back from the process. We should know why, what and how to change our teaching approaches to be able to meet expectations for the development of twenty-first century skills of our students. «Teachers who see themselves only as a ‘facilitator’, do not deserve the status of teacher.» (Rata, 2012) Thus, after an updated curriculum courses a teacher should be able to determine measurable, realistic and differentiated lesson objectives, to choose the most appropriate teaching and learning strategies,  “to set up, manage and time whole-class and individual, pair and group activities, using materials, resources and aids effectively to deliver the planned lesson so that the aims achieved”.[4] Teachers have to find out strengths and weaknesses of their students, then organize the teaching process the way where each single student makes progress relying on scaffolding. Teachers encourage students to assess themselves and peers. Self-and peer assessment influences greatly on metacognition of students. During the lessons learners should be praised, get feedback for their work orally, in symbols, graphs or in written form.

With regard to the coherence of the general curriculum, the analysis of educational systems that have reached the highest standards is the key to improving the educational standards of the educational program throughout the country. As for updating the curriculum, all components related to how the «harmony» training program is adopted and how it actually works will cooperate, replenish and strengthen each other. Consequently, the content of the general educational curriculum, pedagogical approaches and evaluation methods is focused on one goal and is used in each class, every lesson.

Teachers should be convinced that their teaching activities contribute to the implementation of the educational program and that the evaluation helps the students to deliver the information they need and to support their achievements. This should pay attention to the importance of understanding by teachers three key components of effective learning – an educational program, pedagogical approaches and an evaluation system for students.

Modern pedagogical methods of organizing the educational process within the framework of the renewed educational program: 

The sorting method is the active development of students’ creative and critical thinking skills and other teaching methods that are of interest to them.

The use of differentiated tasks, differentiated by the method of differentiation, educational and  cognitive interests and the help of the teacher, is a prerequisite for differentiated learning activities.

For this reason, teachers should develop and develop the following qualities, using different teaching methods:

  • recognizing the importance of using the student’s knowledge, skills and abilities to listen to his personal opinion about the development of the student;
  • encouraging and encouraging students through significant differentiated tasks and exercises;
  • support for students through «learning assessment»;
  • encouragement of research activities and student activities based on decision and analysis of reports;
  • development of critical thinking skills;
  • participation of students in the work of individual, couples, groups and activities of the mass class [5]. Basically, the renewed education system is a program of competence and The importance of modern education is critical thinking, research, practice, the use of ICT, communicative communication, individual, teamwork, functional literacy, creativity and effective teaching methods necessary for effective communication and effective implementation.

Using modern methods of teaching and learning to achieve the educational goals of the curriculum:

  • problem-oriented learning: the student is looking for solutions to the problem that he is facing;
  • Students independently learn information, communicate with the group, classify them, analyze and solve the knowledge of students, make
  • research position (what I know, what I want to know or know);
  • gambling;
  • a differentiated approach, allowing in-depth study of the topic;
  • combination of traditional and new teaching methods;
  • evaluation of training;
  • formation of a situation that stimulates students to self-evaluation and self-identification (self- realization).

We have a great deal of work to do to improve the quality of all parts of national education. It’s necessary to improve the standard of teaching in all schools to the level of Nazarbaev Intellectual schools. And teachers should do their best to reach this goal.



  1. Aleumettіk-ekonomikalyk zhanhyrtu – Kazakstan damuynyn basty bahyty Kazakstan Respublikasynyn PrezidentіA.Nazarbaevtyn Kazakstan khalkyna Zholdauy [Address of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev to the people of Kazakhstan Socio-economic modernization – the main vector of development of Kazakhstan]. (2012, 27 January). Astana. zan.kz. Retrieved from http://adilet.zan.kz/kaz/docs/K1200002012#z0 [in Kazakh].
  2. Rukovodstvo po kriterialnomu otsenivaniiu dlia uchitelei osnovnoi i obshchei srednei shkol (2016). [The basic and general secondary school curriculum for teacher training]. Astana [in Russian].
  3. Nazarbaev, N.A. (2015). Ult zhospary – 100 nakty kadam: barshaha arnalhan kazirhi zamanhy memleket [The nation’s plan is 100 real steps: the modern state for everyone]. Astana. kz. Retrieved from http://adilet.zan.kz/rus/docs/K1500000100 [in Kazakh]
  4. Handbook for teachers
  5. 2017–2018 oku zhylynda Kazakstan Respublikacynyn zhalpy orta bіlіm beretіn uiymdarynda oku protsesіn uiymdactyrudyn erekshelіkterі turaly adіctemelіk nuskau khat (2017) [Letter of Guidance on peculiarities of organization of educational process in the general secondary education of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2017–2018 academic year]. Astana. Retrieved from http://nao.kz/loader/fromorg/2/24 [in Kazakh].
  6. Rukovodstvo po kriterialnomu otsenivaniiu dlia uchitelei osnovnoi i obshchei srednei shkol (2016). [The basic and general secondary school curriculum for teacher training]. Astana [in Russian].
  7. Nazarbaev, N.A. (2015). Ult zhospary – 100 nakty kadam: barshaha arnalhan kazirhi zamanhy memleket [The nation’s plan is 100 real steps: the modern state for everyone]. Astana. kz. Retrieved from http://adilet.zan.kz/rus/docs/K1500000100 [in Kazakh]
  8. 2017–2018 oku zhylynda Kazakstan Respublikacynyn zhalpy orta bіlіm beretіn uiymdarynda oku protsesіn uiymdactyrudyn erekshelіkterі turaly adіctemelіk nuskau khat (2017) [Letter of Guidance on peculiarities of organization of educational process in the general secondary education of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2017–2018 academic year]. Astana. Retrieved from http://nao.kz/loader/fromorg/2/24 [in Kazakh].