1Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor,

International University of Tourism and Hospitality

(Kazakhstan, Turkestan)

2 Student of International University of Tourism and Hospitality

(Kazakhstan, Turkestan)

Abstract. This article describes the history of the origin of the Great Silk Road, the stages of its development and the current state. In addition, the current relevance of one of the main historical heritage of the whole of Central Asia and the reasons for its revival are considered. The results of extensive research are carried out and the contribution of the modernization of the Great Silk Road to the economy of Kazakhstan and especially to the tourism industry of the country is studied. Instead of the old caravan routes, modern infrastructure and transit transport are working as a means of strengthening cooperation with neighboring countries. The tourism potential of the whole of Kazakhstan has been taken into account and some aspects of its further development have been proposed.

The author pays special attention to the Turkestan region located in the heart of Central Asia and the Great Silk Road passed through the heart of this city. The topic of modernizing our cultural heritage will always be relevant. The article suggests developing the reconstruction of historical sites, arguing this proposal as a key tool in popularizing domestic tourism.

Keywords: The Great Silk Road, Turkestan region, historical monument, tourism, route.


1 к.и.н., доцент, Международный университет Туризма и Гостеприимства

(Казахстан, Туркестан)

2 Студентка Международного университета туризма и гостеприимства

(Казахстан, Туркестан)




Аннотация. В данной статье описывается история зарождения Великого Шелкового пути, этапы его развития и современное состояние. Кроме того, рассматривается нынешняя актуальность одного из главного исторического наследия всей Центральной Азии и причины его возрождения. Проводятся результаты обширных исследовании и изучен вклад модернизации Великого Шелкового пути в экономику Казахстана, а особенно в туристическую отрасль страны. Вместо старых караванных путей работает современная инфраструктура и транзитный транспорт как средство укрепления сотрудничества с соседними странами. Учтен туристический потенциал всего Казахстана и предложены некоторые аспекты его дальнейшего развития.

Автор уделяет особое внимание в Туркестанскую область, либо регион расположен в самом сердце Центральной Азии, а через сердце этого города проходил Великий Шелковый путь.Тема модернизации нашего культурного наследия всегда будет актуальна и в заключении статья предлагает развивать реконструкцию исторических объектов, аргументируя это предложение как ключевым инструментом в популяризации отечественного туризма.

Ключевые слова: Великий Шелковый Путь, Туркестанская область, исторический памятник, туризм, маршрут.


1т.ғ.к., доцент, Халықаралық Туризм және Меймандостық университеті

(Қазақстан, Түркістан)

2 Халықаралық Туризм және Меймандостық университетінің студенті

(Қазақстан, Түркістан)



Аңдатпа. Мақалада Ұлы Жібек жолының шығу тарихы, оның даму кезеңдері мен қазіргі жағдайы сипатталған. Сонымен қатар, бүкіл Орталық Азияның негізгі тарихи мұраларының бірінің қазіргі өзектілігі мен оның қайта жандану себептері қарастырылады. Кең ауқымды зерттеулердің нәтижелері жүргізілуде және Ұлы Жібек жолын жаңғыртудың Қазақстан экономикасына, әсіресе елдің туризм индустриясына қосқан үлесі зерттелді. Ескі керуен жолдары көршілес елдермен ынтымақтастықты нығайтудың құралы ретінде заманауи инфрақұрылым мен транзиттік көлікпен алмастырылды. Бүкіл Қазақстанның туристік әлеуеті ескеріліп, оны одан әрі дамытудың кейбір аспектілері ұсынылды.

Автор Түркістан аймағына, немесе бұл аймақ Орталық Азияның дәл ортасында орналасқанына, Ұлы Жібек жолы осы қаланың қақ ортасынан өткеніне ерекше назар аударады. Мәдени мұрамызды жаңғырту тақырыбының өзектілігін ескеріліп, мақалада ішкі туризмді танымал етудің негізгі құралы ретінде алға тарта отырып, тарихи нысандарды қайта жаңғыртуды ұсынылады.

Кілтсөздер: Ұлы Жібек жолы, Түркістан облысы, тарихи ескерткіш, туризм, маршрут.

Introduction. Tourism is a large-scale sphere that has not slowed down its development in the world.  There are many countries in the world that are developing, getting richer and forming the internal and external economy of the country only through tourism. For example, European countries, South America, East Asia and island states connected by seas and oceans.

Tourism in Kazakhstan is an area that is only developing and gaining momentum.  Nevertheless, it is a great pride to achieve what we have today in more than three decades. It is no exaggeration to say that the tourism sector also contributes to the development of our economy [1].

Kazakhstan’s geography, location and nature of the country are ideal for the formation and development of tourism in general. Both the center and the north of the country, bordered by oil and sand plains, are rich in incredible landshafts. One of the greatest riches left by our ancestors is the land. Our land is wide and rich. We have many mountainous territories and enough forests.  The trend of tourists coming to Kazakhstan is becoming more and more popular every year. According to tourists visiting our country, namely Almaty, Astana, Kokshetau, Aktau and Turkestan, which have a thousand-year history, are among the most remarkable tourist cities in Kazakhstan.

Today, tourism in Kazakhstan is developing and gaining momentum.  The development of the tourism industry is distinguished not only by the beauty of nature, but also by its value for the development of a tourist destination [2].

«Tourism» from the French means a walk, a journey, that is, a person spends his free time for entertainment and recreation without compulsion and of his own free will.  A trip to a nearby place is called a walk, and a trip to a distant place is called a travel.  The first definition of the word “tourism” was proposed by Professors Hun-tsiker and Krapf in 1942.  Tourism plays one of the main roles in the global economy.  A set of actions and phenomena caused by the settlement of people outside their territory.

Methods. Tourism is one of the most dynamically developing sectors of the Kazakh economy.  Each region of Kazakhstan is the center of a tourism cluster.  Cities and cultural centers were built in the region located in the heart of Eurasia, which became the dark steppe of the Great Silk Road.  Kazakhstan, with its rich nature, mysterious rivers and lakes, mountains, forests and deserts, has witnessed many historical events.  Historical cities with a thousand-year-old civilization have survived many wars.  There are also enough cities that were the capitals of the Kazakh Khanate, the Kipchak dynasty and the Turkish Khaganate.  Monuments, cultural sites, old buildings and genealogical history in such cities will remain in history forever.

When it comes to the transition of the national economy to a new model, the issue of tourism development comes to the fore along with other relevant areas.  Many countries of the world “make a living” from this tourism.  According to a preliminary forecast, 1.8 billion people are expected to enter this area in 2030.  Thousands of people cross international borders.  They are looking for places to visit, see, entertain and relax.  In this context, the public does not know Kazakhstan well.  There is no significant information about the possibilities of various types of tourism, including eco-tourism and ethno tourism. In the next 5-6 years, the positive dynamics of domestic tourism developed and reached the level of 10-15%.

The head of state raised a pressing issue stating, «The tourism potential of our country must be used. Tourism should be among such dynamic projects. Unfortunately, not enough work is being done in this important area; our country lags behind other countries. In general, a clear list of at least 15 major projects should be prepared. Past mistakes in this area should not be repeated. It is necessary to clearly define measures for effective support of projects and the timing of their implementation. It is better to involve foreign investors and representatives of the country’s business in its implementation. It is necessary to use our own raw materials, goods and personnel, that is, all our internal capabilities for work».

Tourism directly and indirectly affects 32 sectors of the economy.  By Resolution of the Government of the country No. 360 dated May 31, 2019, the State Program for the Development of the tourism sector of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2019-2025 was approved. The program comprehensively considers the mechanisms of development of the tourism sector [3].

The program for the development of domestic tourism and the work of national reserves in 2023 provides for the comprehensive development and improvement of the country’s tourist areas. It includes the development of transport infrastructure, the availability of motor transport and regular urban transport, the development of air and rail transport, the infrastructure of border checkpoints, water supply and sanitation, development of tourist infrastructure taking into account the peculiarities of natural, historical, cultural, ethnic diversity and gastronomy of Kazakhstan, the creation of high-quality and no less original tourist products in the field of tourist destinations. In addition, the development of a cultural and geographical map of the «sacred geography» of the country is planned.

The development of domestic tourism and national reserves has not been ignored in this program.  One of the directions of development of domestic tourism is the construction of highways, the opening of railway and air routes in the country.  Highways are currently being built in all parts of the country. For example, a four-lane road is being built in the direction of Shauldir-Turkestan to get to the area where the Otyrar Museum-Reserve is located.

Our country has adopted a state program that considers 10 priority areas. These territories include most of our national parks, Burabai, Bayanaul, Sharyn, Mangystau, as well as the cities of Astana and Almaty.  The state allocates funds for the development of infrastructure in these places. In its turn, this attracts private business and investments.

Any region of the country differs from each other for tourists by its nature and history. However, citizens of foreign countries are interested not only in the sights.  We need good service.  Actions such as boasting, bowing politely, receiving and sending off guests require serious preparation. How many jobs would be created if large investments were made to increase the tourism potential of the historical and cultural place along the Great Silk Road?  At the same time, the problem of preserving, researching and popularizing the historical and cultural heritage in the country will be solved [4].

Basic rules. The Great Silk Road is the most important civilizational project in the history of humanity. To this day, its significance has not been truly studied and realized. There were not just caravans with goods along the paved paths; there was an intensive exchange of ideas, culture, traditions and customs. The rise of the economy and culture, the development of countries and the transition from antiquity to the medieval ages were largely due to the functioning of this largest highway, which connected states and peoples, sometimes located in different parts of the ecumenical world.

It is characteristic that the impetus for the creation of a transcontinental system was obtained due to the conquests of Alexander the Great, during which Hellenistic ideas penetrated far beyond the Mediterranean oasis.

German scientist Richthofen first proposed the name «The Great Silk Road» in 1877. Although it is conditional, the name stuck because caravans with a wide variety of goods went along this route, and not only silk, from which everything began.

The first inns and caravanserais, where people could stay overnight, often turned into large settlements, and then cities. Craft centers appeared along the Great Silk Road, intensive trade was conducted, and science and culture developed. The flourishing of trade was the reason for the creation of urban economy and cities as centers of craft and trade.

During the existence of the Great Silk Road, the precursors of modern megacities have grown, which stood out from other settlements of that time. On the one hand, they became economic centers, and on the other, the concentration of a culture that was in its heyday.

The Great Silk Road expanded people’s ideas about the world where they lived. Traveling merchants collected and disseminated knowledge about the lands they had visited – about people, customs, methods of trade, geography, and the distance between settlements. These semi-intuitive and sometimes fantastic descriptions are the best evidence of how knowledge was gradually accumulated and what a long way humanity had to go to capture and understand the world around them.

Certainly, one cannot but say that it was on the routes of the Great Silk Road that the largest world religions were born and spread among the peoples: Christianity, Islam, Buddhism… Therefore, it is impossible without traveling preachers to imagine how Christianity would have reached China and taken root there.

The mutual influence of national cultures and art was obvious. It contributed to the most important achievements of civilization.

The Alexandrian Library, Hagia Sophia Cathedral, Byzantine frescoes, Buddha statues preserved in China and Japan do not belong to the greatest cultural monuments…

How to evaluate by human earthly standards the flight of thought of Augustine the Blessed, Gregory the Theologian, John Chrysostom, Omar Khayyam, Nizami…

The traces of material and intangible culture are significant and deep; even today we return to the traditions and achievements of that time, drawing our inspiration from them.

Perhaps the best recognition of the value of the Great Silk Road are the plans and projects for its revival, which are heard today from the highest tribunes. Many recognize that the reconstruction of the Great Silk Road is able to unite peoples around the idea of peaceful economic and cultural cooperation, indicate the transition from the crisis to a more reasonable and perfect future, which is the key to the further civilizational development of humanity [5].

Results and discussions. The tourist formation and development of routes along the Great Silk Road has been traced since the 1950s, when tourist activities in Kazakhstan and the republics of Central Asia were carried out by the Central Asian Tourist and Excursion Department of the All-Russian Central Council of Trade Unions (ARCCTU), established in accordance with the resolution of the secretariat of the ARCCTU, Protocol No. 196 of February 1952 and Order No. 13 of the Central Tourist and Excursion ARCCTU of January 16, 1952. It was responsible for creating favorable conditions for tourism, namely: organization of travel and excursions, construction and maintenance of camp sites, financing, the publication of tourist literature, the study of new areas of the routes, the development of methodological manuals, the organization of exhibitions, conferences, courses and seminars, training, promotion of tourism and excursions [6].

Coordinated and purposeful work was carried out throughout the Central Asian section of the Great Silk Road. Since 1952, when the Central Asian Tourist and Excursion Administration was reorganized and the Kazakh Republican Tourist and Excursion Administration of the Central Asian Council of People’s Commissars was formed in Kazakhstan, work was concentrated on the territories of each of the Union republics, which already had a common basis of laid routes, built camp sites, trained specialists, methodological literature, goals and programs. By the resolution of the Central Executive Committee «On the further development of tourism» dated July 20, 1962 No. 17 article 4, this department was reorganized into the Kaztoursovet with the transfer of functions to the dissolved Tourism Federation, and further the tourist development of the territory required the improvement of the management structure and the development of new areas of activity. Therefore, the structure of the Kaztursovet included a mass department, commissions for tourism promotion, youth tourism, organizational and mass, methodological, route-qualified, qualification-attestation, planning and exchange departments, etc. [7].

Subsequently, all commissions were reorganized into the department of amateur tourism, and departments were created in accordance with the development of hotels and campsites, transport routes, accounting, financial control of training courses, etc.

The Great Silk Road is a unique historical monument of human civilization. For centuries, trade on the ancient caravan route has contributed to the development of the economy and culture of the countries of the peoples of the East and West of Eurasia. Nowadays, its importance is invaluable since modern tourism today connects trade and business with cultural dialogue, promoting mutual understanding and peace between peoples. The Silk Road promotes the establishment of multilateral ties between the 24 participating countries of the Silk Road Initiative.

The idea of implementing the initiative to develop cooperation and promote tourism on the Silk Road originated 15 years ago.  It was enshrined in the Samarkand Declaration of 1994.

Since then, the Khiva Declaration was adopted in 1999, and the Bukhara Declaration in 2002. The Astana Declaration on the Silk Road was adopted in 2009 during the 18th Session of the UNWTO General Assembly, and the Almaty Declaration was adopted in 2008 during the III Silk Road Forum of Mayors.

The implementation of the measures taken contributed to the economic growth and integration of the countries of the Eurasian space, which is the main region of the Silk Road, closing its three main poles: China, Russia and the Persian Gulf. Kazakhstan, located in the center of Eurasia, is a connecting bridge between these poles and the countries of the Central Asian region: Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan and Turkmenistan, as well as the main transit corridor for access to the main markets of the Silk Road countries.

The geostrategic location of Kazakhstan in the very heart of Eurasia contributes to the fact that it attached and attaches great importance to the revival of tourism on the Silk Road as the basic basis of tourism policy. In 1997, as part of the implementation of the UNWTO, UNESCO and UNDP transcontinental project «Silk Road – the Path of Dialogue», the first studies of tourism potential were conducted in Kazakhstan. Based on the results of these studies, the State Program «Revival of the historical centers of the Silk Road, preservation and continuous development of the cultural heritage of the Turkic-speaking states, creation of tourism infrastructure» was developed and approved by the Decree of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan [8].

According to the Bukhara Declaration, adopted on October 27, 2002, the participating countries of the UNWTO Silk Road Project pledged to make efforts to strengthen regional cooperation in the field of tourism on a multilateral and international basis. In this regard, since 2004, a project has been implemented to organize a specialized tourist train «Pearl of the Silk Road» on the route: Almaty – Turkestan-Tashkent – Samarkand – Bukhara – Urgench – Mary- Ashgabat – Almaty in order to intensify the development of tourism in this direction together with the Ministry of Transport and Communications of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The Kazakh section of the Great Silk Road is a unique complex of monuments of history, archeology, architecture, urban planning and monumental art. Today 22 ancient settlements, including castles of rulers, have been opened here. Two unique monuments of antiquity are included in the UNESCO World Cultural Heritage List: the mausoleum of Khoja Akhmet Yassawi in Turkestan and the Tamgaly Archaeological Complex near Almaty. Among the significant tourist routes along the Silk Road, an important place is given to the cities of Almaty, Taraz, as well as Turkestan and Otyrar in the South Kazakhstan region.

Within the framework of the draft State Program for Accelerated Industrial and Innovative Development of the country for 2010-2014, measures were envisaged to create a national tourism cluster within the framework of the construction of multifunctional tourist complexes and centers along the international transport corridor «Western Europe – Western China».

This highway has a total length of 2,700 km. It successfully coincides with the Kazakh section of the Silk Road and passes through the territory of five regions (Almaty, Zhambyl, South Kazakhstan, Kyzylorda and Aktobe), along the route of which about five million people live, which provides a unique opportunity to form a national tourist cluster along it.

First, these are investment projects to ensure the construction of 30 road infrastructure facilities, 8 motels on both sides of the highway. The main ideology of the implementation of investment projects along the Silk Road route is to create a highly efficient tourism cluster of the country, representing a single network of integrated, interconnected tourist complexes and related industries in the tourism industry.

The most promising projects on the branches of the Kazakh section of the Silk Road are:

– Creation of an international tourist center on the coast of the Kapshagai Sea «Zhana –Ile» in the Almaty region;

– Development of tourist infrastructure facilities «Ancient Otrar» and «Ancient Tur-Kestan» in South Kazakhstan region;

– Construction of the international tourist center «Burabai» in the Akmola region, where a free economic zone has already been created;

– Construction of the new millennium city Aktau City on the western branch of the Kazakh section of the Silk Road in the Mangystau region.

In addition, it is planned to create an international tourist center «Kenderli» on the coast of the Caspian Sea.

Kazakhstan is actively involved and is also the initiator of a number of Silk Road events.

In the period from 2 to 4 September 2008, the III Forum of Mayors of cities «Silk Road» was held in Almaty on the theme «the New Silk Road: From the great tradition to modern standards of tourism and cooperation». The mayors of cities, representatives of government agencies and business communities from 27 countries, as well as the heads of international organizations attended in this forum. The purpose of the forum was to further develop integration between cities, promote innovative ways of financing tourism along the Silk Road and improve mutual understanding between people and harmonious development of the region. One of the important issues of the discussion was the issue of barriers to the development of regional tourism.

In October 2010, Kazakhstan took part in the Fifth International Silk Road Meeting, held in Samarkand (Uzbekistan), which brought together representatives from 25 countries. During the meeting, the Silk Road Action Plan for 2010-2011 was adopted as a basis for further development of tourism along the Silk Road. Following the meeting, recommendations were made regarding the joint participation and cooperation of all Silk Road countries to strengthen the Silk Road brand, pool resources, reduce border and political barriers and simplify visa and border formalities between the Silk Road countries.

According to the adopted Action Plan, the Silk Road Media Market has already been held in London within the framework of the international tourism exhibition WTM 2010, which was attended by representatives of the countries of Central Asia, Europe and the Middle East. Kazakhstan presented the most interesting information about Kazakhstan, as well as priority investment projects to the forum participants, the media, and leading foreign tour operators.

Today, there are still significant obstacles to closer economic cooperation in the Central Asian region. First, these are visa problems. Unfortunately, there is no consensus on the issue of mutual recognition of tourist visas for citizens of third countries until today. Nevertheless, it is precisely this issue that would help to raise tourism on the Silk Road through the development and popularization of joint tourist routes. Kazakhstan has advocated and will continue to advocate the implementation of this proposal in the medium term, since a modern potential tourist is interested in visiting several countries at once as part of Silk Road tours, preferably with one tourist visa, valid for up to 3 months and recognized in the visiting countries.

It is necessary to develop the potential of Silk Road products, which includes:

– Creation and development of joint travel products involving visits to several countries/places;

– Development of arts and crafts in order to preserve the rich cultural heritage of the Silk Road;

– Development and implementation and promotion of joint strategies, programs and marketing;

– Formation and improvement of the tourist image of the countries of the Central Asian region and the CIS within the framework of tourism along the Silk Road.

If we take into account the experience of tourism development in the world, it becomes clear that tourists are tired of visiting cities and seeing various architectural buildings. Therefore, we can call our nature reserves an invaluable tourist brand. Foreigners often like to travel to newly discovered countries that they have never met before.  Therefore, we can impress them with our rich nature. To do this, we need to pay more attention to this area and be able to make the most of our natural resources.  There are no obstacles even for the development of business tourism. We have established small and medium-sized businesses. The EXPO-2017 exhibition, which preceded the «VII Asian Winter Games».  In addition, international conferences, business seminars, festivals are held in the country. Foreign guests from all over the world attend these meetings.  This is one of the main sources of tourism development in the country. The problem of effective tourism organization is also included in this concept. In addition to tourist destinations, the development of regions is also shown.  Great works are being done on the Great Way.  The Silk Road covers five regions of Kazakhstan. It stretches from Eastern Kazakhstan to Southern Kazakhstan. In the north, there are Burabai, Karkaraly, Bayanaul, Yerementau, Korgalzhin and others.  It is planned to attract the main tourist flows to the holy places with attractive nature. There is a mountainous Altai in Eastern Kazakhstan, which is the cradle of Turkic culture. In order to develop the Katonkaragai, Markakol and Berel reserves on the left bank, archaeological and environmental studies are being conducted. Kendirlin near the Caspian Sea can also be used very effectively in the field of tourism.

Cooperation between Kazakhstan and China within the framework of the Great Silk Road

On August 4, a presentation of the tourism potential of the Chinese province of Fujian on the theme «Modern Fujian – the beginning of the Maritime Silk Road» was held within the framework of the Astana EXPO-2017 international specialized exhibition. The event was attended by Yulia Yakupbaeva, Deputy Chairman of the Board of NC «Atameken RK», employees of the Committee of the Tourism Industry of the Ministry of Culture and Sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan, representatives of the tourism market and interested parties.

Lin Yu, President of the Fujian Province Tourism Association, spoke at the event and noted the historical and modern significance of the Great Silk Road in relations between the countries.

«The Silk Road got acquainted with Astana through the EXPO-2017 exhibition. After looking at Astana, I realized that this amazing city is similar to Fujian Province presented the tourist potential of Fujian Province.  Now marine and beach tourism is developing here».

Speaking on behalf of Kazakhstan, Yulia Yakupbaeva made a report on the interim results and main directions of cooperation between the two countries in the field of tourism.

The Deputy Chairman of the Board said «Cooperation between Kazakhstan and China in various sectors of the economy is expanding every year. At the same time, there has been progress in the tourism sector.  It is not for nothing that 2017 has been declared the year of tourism in Kazakhstan and China. In addition, we have a permanent platform for cooperation and information exchange – this is the forum of Kazakh-Chinese tourism. This forum was held for the first time in 2016 in Astana. This year, the forum is scheduled to be held in Almaty. Moreover, in early July, a meeting on cooperation with Kazakhstan was held in Beijing».

Yulia Yakupbaeva named famous places in Kazakhstan and gave recommendations to Chinese tourists. The Chinese delegation was invited to pay attention to Kazakhstani brands that are in demand among other countries and the Chinese. Yulia Yakupbaeva urged to use the transit potential of Kazakhstan.  For example, when visiting Uzbekistan, it is recommended to visit Shymkent and Taraz, while visiting Azerbaijan, Turkey and the United Arab Emirates, it is recommended to visit Aktau and enjoy the beauty of the city.

Yulia Yakupbaeva said that «In 2015, a memorandum on discounts for tourist groups for Chinese citizens was signed.  This document creates conditions for the development of tourism business between the two countries.  In June of this year, a 72-hour visa-free regime was established for Chinese citizens, which means that Chinese guests can come to Kazakhstan as vacation tourists» [9].

According to the draft state program for tourism development, in the Republic of Kazakhstan, until 2023, the Turkestan region is included in the «Revival of the Great Silk Road» cluster. The main object of the cluster is the city of Turkestan. The flow of tourists to the region increases every year. The main pride and shrine of the region is the spiritual capital of the Turkic world, the city of Turkestan with a rich history and a bright future. The city is located right in the middle of the Great Silk Road. Today, the region is developing at a rapid pace: large-scale construction work is underway, infrastructure is rapidly developing, and the trade sector is developing. The region was recognized as one with great opportunities. Indeed, the region has great potential for economic development. Currently, the region is working in four important areas, such as developing small and medium-sized businesses, attracting investments, increasing exports, and realizing large-scale tourism potential.

Conclusion. The center of the region is the city of Turkestan, a golden nest of historical tourism. In the city, entertainment centers, modern hotels, cultural and historical centers, drama theatres, restaurants, state houses, water parks, sports and fitness complexes, markets and supermarkets are being built in full accordance with the requirements of tourists, guests and residents. Therefore, there are places that can fully serve tourists. The nature of the region with many historical tourism centers is beautiful; there are enough historical regions. Mausoleum of Khoja Akhmet Yassawi, included in the UNESCO cultural heritage list, ancient cities of Otyrar, Sauran, Ary-stanbab mausoleum in Otyrar district, mausoleums of Baidibek ata, Domalak ana and Akmeshit cave in Baidibek district, unique beautiful nature of Tulkibas district, Aksu-Zhabagily, nature reserves Karatau, Sairam-Ogemsky State National Natural Park are places that have amazed many travelers.

Last year, more than 1,300 tourists came to Turkestan.  According to the data of the regional Department of Entrepreneurship, industrial and innovative development and tourism, the vast majority of tourists came from Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Turkey, the USA, China, Germany, Italy.  In addition to foreigners, visitors to resorts and historical sites from all regions of Kazakhstan come here.  Therefore, tourism will become an indispensable source of income for Turkestan.  It is clear that the city of Turkestan, the center of the region, as the cultural capital of the Turkic world, hospitably welcomes many tourists.

The city of Turkestan, which has been considered the spiritual capital since ancient times, has turned into a tourist cluster and has reached the point where it can receive millions of tourists a year.  Cities and cultural centers were built in the region that became the dark steppe of the Great Silk Road. Over the past three years, Turkestan has become the center of the region and has changed beyond recognition. New construction sites were built in a special way. Along with the growth and prosperity of the city, this will undoubtedly have a dynamic impact on the rapid development of tourism [10].

In conclusion, it should be noted that the Silk Road is one of the best world-class brands and the planning and controlled development of tourist resources and products along the entire route of the Silk Road are important for obtaining economic benefits from tourism by all Silk Road countries.

We believe that it is necessary to create tourism infrastructure on the basis of the traditional development of cities and settlements of the Silk Road: service and trade enterprises, pilgrimage and tourist complexes, workshops of folk crafts, ethnographic museums and theaters, ritual-cult and historical-religious centers and other tourist facilities.


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