Organization and planning of scientific research

Рыспаева М.Ж., Березовская И.Э.

PhD, старшие преподаватели

НАО “КазНУ имени Аль-Фараби”

At the department of thermal and technical physics of the faculty  of physics and technology of Al-Farabi KazNU, the department conducts classes on the discipline “Organization and planning of scientific research.” When studying this discipline, first-year undergraduates in various specialties learn about the basic principles of organizing and planning of scientific research, as well as about the basic methods of physical research and the requirements for graduation work.

Science is the study of the natural world, how it works, and how we can understand and interpret it. It is the study of the physical world, the laws that govern it, and the empirical methods we use to investigate it. Science is also the study of the human world, the ways in which it operates, and the methods we use to understand it. As undergraduate students, they explore the scientific method and its application to various disciplines. Students also learn about the basic concepts of science, such as the laws of nature, the scientific method, and the scientific facts that are verified through observation and experiment.

After studying this discipline, undergraduates master such concepts as science, research, experiment, information, scientific facts. For example, the concept of “science” comes from the Latin word scientia, meaning “knowledge”, as well as the word “fact” is of Latin origin. In addition, 1st year undergraduates begin to understand the difference between hypothesis and theory, and prediction. Upon completion of the course, students understand various research methods, are able to classify scientific approaches to research, such as systemic and dialectical.

At lectures and seminars, the structure of a master’s thesis is studied, as well as the requirements for the content, design of the thesis and for the provisions submitted for defense. As a final step in their master’s program, students write a research plan on their thesis topic. This gives students a chance to synthesize all the knowledge and skills they’ve gained over the past several months, and also forces them to think critically about their research methods and goals. The research plan also helps students identify gaps in their knowledge that they may address in future courses or in upcoming independent research projects. The research plan is a critical step in the research process and serves as a roadmap for students as they move forward with their thesis.

Scientific research plays a key role in advancing knowledge and enriching our understanding of the world. However, with the growing importance of scientific research, the need to comply with ethical standards and rules in the process of conducting it also increases. Research ethics embodies a set of principles and standards that both scientists and students must follow to ensure integrity, reliability, and earned trust in the scientific community.

Students learn important aspects of scientific ethics, including the following principles:

Honesty and integrity of data: one of the main principles of scientific ethics is the obligation to present data and research results fairly and accurately. This includes an honest description of the methodology and procedures, and a commitment not to misrepresent or alter the data to meet expectations.

Avoiding Plagiarism: Plagiarism is a serious violation of scientific ethics and copyright. Students in the course learn to recognize plagiarism and learn ways to prevent it from occurring. This includes rules for proper citation and attribution, as well as an understanding of what constitutes copyright infringement.

In the course “Organization and Planning of Scientific Research,” students receive not only theoretical knowledge about ethical standards, but also practical skills that will help them comply with these principles in their future scientific activities. It is an important part of education and ensures the integrity and quality of research conducted by students and future scientists.

Список используемых источников

  1. Кожухар В.М. Основы научных исследований: учебное пособие. – М.: Дашков и К, 2010. – 216 с.