Time for CLIL. Communicating around the world 4 th grade

Журсумбаева Гульдана Сайрановна

Учитель английского языка

Кәдірбекқызы Іңкәр

Учитель английского языка

КГУ «СОШ №4»

Module 4: Professions and ways of Communication

4 LESSON:       

Theme: Time for CLIL. Communicating around the world

Date: 13/12/2019 Teacher’s name: Zhursumbayeva Guldana Sairanovna
CLASS: 4 G Number present: absent:
Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to understand an increasing range of classroom instructions; understand the main points of short supported talk on an increasing range of general and some curricular topics; recognise words similar to words in student native language; make basic statements which provide information on an increasing range of general and some curricular topics;

Lesson objectives All learners will be able to: understand the main points of short supported talk and match countries and their flags,  talk about different  countries
Most learners will be able to: understand the main points of short supported talk and match the phrases, proverbs in 3 languages; make up the dialogue on the theme
Some learners will be able to:understand the main points of short supported talk and match the phrases,   tell about themselves.
Assessment criteria To talk about countries
Language focus Structures: I like _____ .

Language in use: Where are you from? I am from __________. Welcome to____________________.

Target vocabulary Names of countries
Cross – curricular


Geography, History
ICT skills Active board,  PPT
Planned timings Planned activities (replace the notes below with your planned activities) Resources



Do physiological activity. 

Ask pairs of pupils to come to the front of the classroom and stand in one circle. Pupils take the hearts from the board and give each other’s.

Dividing into 2 groups.

Pupils take piece of papers with words and construct 2 proverbs:

1stgroupEast or west – home is best.

2nd group How many countries, so many costumes.

Prediction the theme of the lesson.

How do you think what is the theme of the lesson?

Today we are going to talk about countries.



Hearts with wishes



































1.      (GW)Match the countries with flags and find them on the map.

Groups change the works and assess each other’s. Right answers are shown on the boards. (Group assessment).

2.      Listen and repeat.

Pupils listen to the dialogue and repeat it.

They should memorize expressions:

Where are you from? I am from __________. Welcome to____________________.

(PW) Magic box. Make up dialogue. AUDIOSCRIPT



Kemal – Turkey

Mavis – United Kingdom

Tony – Italy

Demitri – Spain

Pierre – France

3.      (GW) Matching. (CLIL)

Proverbs are given pupilsin three languages. They should find equivalents.

Отан үшін күрес – ерге тиген үлес.

To live is to serve the Motherland.

Жить – Родине служить.

Өз үйім – өлең төсегім.

East or west – home is best.

В гостях хорошо, а дома лучше.

Отансыз адам – ормансыз бұлбұл.

A man without a Motherland is like a Nightingale without a song.

Человек без Родины – что соловей без песни.


Flags and names of countries, map










Flags of the countries and names of children.




Papers with proverbs











(An activity to consolidate the language of the lesson.)

Each learner presents himself or herself giving short information about his or her names, where he or she is, ages and what he or her likes to do.

Song a sing in 3 languages.

Home task: learn proverbs in 3 languages.


Photos of pupils, markers, flipcharts
Additional information
Differentiation – how do you plan to give more support? How do you plan to challenge the more able learners? Assessment – how are you planning to check learners’ learning? Cross-curricular links Health and safety check ICT links

Values links



Were the lesson objectives/learning objectives realistic?


Did I stick to timings?


What changes did I make from my plan and why?

Use the space below to reflect on your lesson. Answer the most relevant questions from the box on the left about your lesson

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