Методическая разработка занятия по английскому языку на тему: «Got to have it! Passive Voice»

Ситалиева Розалия Эдуардовна

Старший преподаватель

Западно-Казахстанский университет им. М. Утемисова

Тема: Got to have it! Passive Voice

Цели занятия:

Образовательная: совершенствование и систематизация грамматических навыков устной и письменной речи по теме «Passive Voice» посредством различных видов упражнений. Совершенствование навыков  чтения с извлечением основной информации по теме  «Пассивный залог».

Развивающая: развитие коммуникативных навыков по теме «Пассивный залог»; развитие мышления, внимания.

Воспитательная: воспитание  творческих способностей учащихся на материале темы.

Речевой материал: лексика по теме “Everyday objects”.

Грамматический материал: Passive Voice.

Ход занятия

I. Greeting.

Teacher. Good morning, students. Please, take your seats. Let me tell you a few words about the aims of our lesson. Today we are going to talk about everyday objects.

II. Vocabulary.

1. Look at the pictures on page 145. How many of the objects in the box can you find? Which objects can’t you find?

keys    credit card       mobile phone      hairbrush     identity card      comb      lipstick                 driving licence      plasters        razor       umbrella        sunglasses     torch          toothbrush     towel          shaving foam  

2. Study the pictures for one minute. Remember as much about the objects as you can.

III. Reading and vocabulary.

1. Which of the brand names and logos in the pictures do you recognise? What products do you think of when you see them?

2. Read the text about the world’s most popular brands. Make a note of:

• where/when each company began.

• what they make.

3. Find the word or phrase in the text which tells you that:

a no other drink is more popular than Coca-Cola.

b Coca-Cola is a non-alcoholic drink.

c Rolex watches show you have a high social position.

d Nokia is the world’s number one manufacturer of mobile phones.

e Samsung is a very large company.

f Emil Jallinek was a very rich man.

g there are KFC restaurants in many different countries.

h Colonel Sanders prepared the food at the petrol station himself.

3. Discuss these questions in small groups.

a What do you think of the brands in the text? How often do you use them?

b Which other famous brand names can you think of that are connected with:

• clothes and sportswear?

• cars and motorbikes?

• accessories (bags, shoes, etc.)?

• perfume?

Which are your favourites?

c Are there any other brands from your country that are famous? Do you think it’s a good idea to buy ‘designer labels’? Why (not)?

IV. Language focus 1

Present simple passive.

We form the present simple passive with the subject + be + past participle. Regular past participles end in -ed. For a list of irregular past participles, see page 157.

1 We use the passive when the person who does the action is: a not important or unknown.

The chocolate is made in Switzerland. (= it’s not important who makes it)

b unknown.

Hundreds of cars are stolen every week. (= we do not know who steals them)

c ‘people in general’.

His face is recognised all over the world. (= people in general recognise his face)

2 If we want to say who or what is the ‘doer’ of the action, we use by.

All my clothes are designed by Federico Pirani.

3 Active or passive? Compare the following examples, a Martine makes all her own bread at home.

b The bread is made in a large bakery outside town.

In sentence a, we use the active because we are more interested in who makes the bread, so Martine is the subject of the sentence.

In sentence b, we use the passive because we are more interested in the bread, not in who makes the bread.

1. Look again at the objects on page 145. Which object do the following sentences refer to?

a          It’s mainly used by women.

            It’s usually sold in chemist’s shops.

            It’s usually kept in a handbag or purse,

b          They’re usually made out of plastic.

            They’re sometimes kept in people’s bathrooms.

            They are used more by men than by women,

c          They’re accepted all over the world nowadays.

            They’re always made out of plastic.

            They’re used by millions of people every day to buy things.

2 Write some more sentences about three of the other objects on page 145 using the Present simple passive. Give your sentences to another student. Can he/she guess which object they refer to?

V. Language focus 2

Past simple passive

We form the Past simple passive with the subject + was / were + past participle.

1 As with the Present simple passive, we use the Past simple passive when the action is more important than the person who did it.

2 The Past simple passive is common when we are speaking formally, or in written reports.

We were told to report to the police station as soon as possible. More than thirty people were injured in the explosion.

1 Choose the best form (active or passive) to complete the sentences.

a The disposable razor invented / was invented by King Camp Gillette about 100 years ago.

b Hungarian journalist Laszlo Biro invented / was invented the world’s first ballpoint pen in the 1930s.

c The DVD player is now the world’s number one entertainment product. The first one manufactured / was manufactured in 1997.

d Singer Alison Krauss was worn / wore a pair of $2 million shoes at the 2004 Oscar ceremony. The shoes contain more than 500 diamonds and designed / were designed by US designer Stuart Weitzman.

e The world’s first robot dog, Sony Corporation’s ERS- 110, went on sale in 1999. 3,000 sold / were sold in the first twenty minutes!

f In March 2004, 2.1 billion text messages sent / were sent in the UK alone. That’s thirty-six text messages for each person!

g In 2003, Google voted / was voted the world’s most popular Internet search engine.

h Ingvar Kamrad started / was started the Swedish furniture company IKEA more than fifty years ago. He named / was named the company after his own initials (IK), his parents’ home (Elmtaryd = E) and his home village (Agunnaryd = A).

VI. Speaking

1. Imagine you are going to take part in Survival! You are allowed to take a survival pack containing twelve items. Work individually and tick (þ) the items you would like to take with you.

batteriesinsect repellentsunglasses
bottled watermagnifying glasstent
clean clothesmatchestoilet paper
digital cameramobile phonetorch
energy barspencil and paperumbrella
fishing rodropewater purification tablets

VII. Conclusion.

Teacher. Today we have studied some new grammar and new words. Now you know the formation of the Passive Voice, its main functions and characteristics. I’d like to thank you for good work at the lesson. I give excellent marks to…, good – to …, etc.

The lesson is over. See you later. Goodbye!

H/t: 1) Learn the rule

        2) Ex. 1-8, p. 72-75.

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